
( template made by @poohsources )


001.  both my twitter and tumblr occasionally hosts nsfw content (which means there's sex or violence or a combination thereof, or anything else that's not easily to digest in some way), so don't say you weren't warned before browsing further. (also, i'm way more active on my twitter than i am on my tumblr, the latter of which i only visit and/or update once in a while.)002.  I usually follow back whoever follows me. if i don't, it's because i either forgot or i suspect a bot behind the account. (or in twitter's case, there's also the reason that the account is private from the get-go, since they usually don't follow back or request to not be followed as said in their bio.)003.  i post/retweet/reblog whatever i like, and it usually involves whichever i'm hyperfixated on at the moment and that can be anything. right now, my hyperfixation includes all things nitro+chiral.004.  you can approach me on twitter or tumblr. though both sites aren't an ideal place to have long conversations via dm with all the changes that have been made there as of late, so i highly recommend that we talk via discord.005.  as for my discord, i'll share my account via private dm to anyone who does wish to chat. if i place my discord account in public, i fear i may attract the wrong kind of attention, hackers and harmful bots included, so i hope you understand.006.  when it comes to chatting with me, please take note that sometimes i am quick to respond and other times it takes me a long time, either because twitter/discord failed to notify me of your messages or i was caught up in something or i meant to respond but then forgot because my attention span is just not that great. there is also a good chance that i have no idea how to respond and that can happen often, but be assured that no matter what, it's never because i have a problem with you.007.  this rule has come to be from certain matters/exerpeicnces: because i make metas and other such posts, i know that there'll be some who disagree with what i'd share. some may even feel strongly against them. that's your opinion and that's fair; we can always agree to disagree. though i do wish to stress the rule of "don't like, don't read", and the request that you express any negative opinions you may have about my works in a space where no one gets inconvenienced or incited into a heated discourse.


name.  fen
age.  27
birthday.  june 28
pronoun. she/her
orientation.  autochorisexual
nationality.  filipino
language.  english
timezone. gmt+8:00
note. all icons (icons, not headers) are made using picrew.

To start, know that I am an introvert and a full-fledged fujoshi with a strong opinion or two.The countless discourse I have seen as of late helped me move past giving too many fucks towards what people on the internet may think of my interests... to a degree, since there are occasions when my negative emotions can instead get the better of me, and really badly, at that. So I still practise caution, because the internet is a dangerous place, one that can potentially give a burnout as bad as work would.If I feel like speaking my mind, sometimes I'm bound to go all out. Other times, I prefer not to take risks; although from both personal experience and what I've observed from outside interactions, I'm aware that either approach can still result in the same outcome of inciting conflict and offending someone, and I can be quite the overthinker, more often than I'd even like.I'm also at that age where I can now verbalize my thoughts (at least as coherently as I can), so I will post in the most unexpected moments of my thoughts about this or that.I can be nice as much as I can be mean, but I'm only the latter if given reason, though I can also be a bit of both in certain bad days. After all, I'm only human, and so my patience and kindness isn't endless, especially towards the things (or people) that give me stress, whether it's regarding a big or a small matter.That aside, I'm just someone who likes to ramble too much about what I like, since I don't know how to hold a conversation otherwise.